Manuscripts in preparation (first author)

[in preparation]

[ms] Is the Central Atlantic Rift thermal signature recorded and preserved in apatite fission tracks?

Charton et al.

[ms] Potential insight into Mesozoic detritic systems in Morocco: the powerful combination of low temperature thermochronology datasets and landscape evolution models

Charton et al.


[Pre-print] Phanerozoic cooling events in the rims of the Central Atlantic Ocean

Rémi Charton & Rémi Leprêtre

Refereed articles

[#16 | Open Access] Mesozoic clastic provenance during post-rift evolution of the Essaouira Agadir Basin, Northern Morocco

Emmanuel Roquette, Aude Duval-Arnould, Orrin Bryers, Stefan Schröder, Tim Luber, Ian Millar, Rémi Charton, Luc Bulot, & Jonathan Redfern

in Journal of African Earth Sciences (JAES), Virtual Special Issue: A Tribute to Luc Bulot, in press 2024 (b)

[#15 | Open Access] Sedimentology and stratigraphy of lower Cretaceous fluvial to shallow marine deposits on the central Atlantic passive margin: The Aaiun-Tarfaya Basin, Morocco

Angel Arantegui, Rhodri Jerrett, James Lovell-Kennedy, Luc Bulot, Rémi Charton, & Jonathan Redfern

in Journal of African Earth Sciences (JAES), Virtual Special Issue: A Tribute to Luc Bulot, October 2024 (a)

[#14 | Open Access] Architecture of Oxfordian coral buildups along the Atlantic margin of Morocco

Aude Duval-Arnould, Luc Bulot, Luis Pomar, Rémi Charton, Jonathan Redfern, & Stefan Schröder

in Journal of African Earth Sciences (JAES), Virtual Special Issue: A Tribute to Luc Bulot, May 2024 (b)

[#13 | Open Access] Integrated multi-proxy source-to-sink analysis of Late Barremian (Lower Cretaceous) clastic systems in the Essaouira-Agadir Basin

Emmanuel Roquette, James Lovell-Kennedy, Leonardo Muniz Pichel,  Stefan Schröder, Rémi Charton, Ian Millar, Camille Frau, & Jonathan Redfern

in Journal of African Earth Sciences (JAES), Virtual Special Issue: A Tribute to Luc Bulot, May 2024 (a)

[#12] Cretaceous climate change evidenced in the Senegalese rock record, NW Africa

Monty Pearson, Max Casson, Ian Millar, Rémi Charton, & Jonathan Redfern

in Journal of African Earth Sciences (JAES), Virtual Special Issue: A Tribute to Luc Bulot, December 2023

[#11 | Open Access] A new sedimentaty and biostratigraphic framework for the Callovian-Oxfordian transition on the Atlantic margin of Morocco

Aude Duval-Arnould, Luc Bulot, Moussa Masrour, Mike Simmons, Alain Bonnot,  Rémi Charton, Jonathan Redfern, & Stefan Schröder

in Journal of African Earth Sciences (JAES), Virtual Special Issue: A Tribute to Luc Bulot, February 2024  (a)

[#10 | Open Access] Architecture and evolution of the Southern Chotts-Jeffara basin,Tunisia.

Pierre-Olivier Bruna, Giovanni Bertotti, Rémi Charton, Richard Dixon, & Ahmed Nasri

in Tectonics, Volume 42 of December 2023

[#9 | Open Access] Identifying Local vs. Regional Drainage using multiproxy provenance tracers - A case study from within the Moroccan Triassic

James Lovell-Kennedy, Emmanuel Roquette, Jonathan Redfern, Stefan Schröder, & Rémi Charton 

in Journal of African Earth Sciences (JAES), Virtual Special Issue: A Tribute to Luc Bulot, April 2023

[#8 | Open Access] Syn-depositional Mesozoic siliciclastic pathways on the Moroccan Atlantic margin linked to evaporite mobilisation

Rémi Charton,  Christian Kluge, David Fernández-Blanco, Aude Duval-Arnould, Orrin Bryers, Jonathan Redfern, &  Giovanni Bertotti 

in Journal of Marine and Petroleum Geology, Volume  128 of June 2021.

[#7] Early post-rift depositional systems of the Central Atlantic: Lower and Middle Jurassic of the Essaouira-Agadir Basin, Morocco.

Aude Duval-Arnould, Stefan Schröder, Rémi Charton, Rémi Joussiaume, Philippe Razin, & Jonathan Redfern

in Journal of African Earth Sciences, Volume 178 of June 2021.

[#6 | Open Access] Low‐temperature thermochronology as a control on vertical movements for semi‐quantitative Source‐to‐Sink analysis: A case study for the Permian to Neogene of Morocco and surroundings

Rémi Charton,  Giovanni Bertotti,  Aude Duval Arnould, Joep E.A. Storms, &  Jonathan Redfern  

in Basin Research, Volume 33 of April 2021.

[#5 | Open Access] Anticline growth by shortening during crustal exhumation of the Moroccan Atlantic margin 

David Fernández-Blanco, Mohamed Gouiza, Rémi Charton, Christian Kluge, J. Klaver, K. Brautigam, & Giovanni Bertotti 

in Journal of Structural Geology,  Volume 140 of November 2020.

[#4] New evidence of 'Anomalous' Vertical Movements along the hinterland of the Atlantic NW African margin

Mohamed Gouiza, Giovanni Bertotti, Rémi Charton, K. Haimoudane, I. Dunklan, & A. Anczkiewicz

in Journal of Geophysical Research Solid Earth, Volume 124 of November 2019.

[#3] The Sidi Ifni transect across the rifted margin of Morocco (Central Atlantic): Vertical movements constrained by low-temperature thermochronology

Rémi Charton, Giovanni Bertotti, Angel Arantegui, & Luc Bulot

in Journal of African Earth Sciences, Volume 141 of April 2018 (Post-print).

[#2 | Open Access] Post-Variscan evolution of the Anti-Atlas belt of Morocco constrained from low-temperature geochronology. 

Mohamed Gouiza, Rémi Charton, Giovanni Bertotti, Paul Andriessen, & Joep Storms

in International Journal of Earth Sciences, Volume 106 of March 2017

[#1 | Open Access] Reactive transport modelling of carbonate cementation in a deep saline aquifer, the Middle Jurassic Oolithe Blanche Formation, Paris Basin, France.

Sophie Violette, Pierre-Yves Collin, Vincent Lagneau, Fabien Aubertin, Yasin Makhloufi, Rémi Charton, & Françoise Bergerat 

in Comptes Rendus Geoscience, Volume 348 of September-October 2016 





[#44 | Oral] Low-Temperature Thermochronology (LTT) derived Phanerozoic erosional exhumation hotspot maps for northern Africa. 

Rémi Charton, Pierre-Olivier Bruna, & Jonathan Redfern.

MedGU Conference, Barcelona (Spain), November 2024.

[#43 | Poster] Modelling the dynamicity of past source-to-sink systems: Pilot study in the Anti-Atlas of Morocco.

Rémi Charton, Giovanni Bertotti, Pierre-Olivier Bruna, & Jonathan Redfern.

Geological Society London, Conference, London (UK), January-February 2024.

[#42 | Oral] Combined subsurface, surface and low-temperature thermochronology data to provide a renewed tectono-stratigraphic model for the Southern Chotts-Jeffara basin, Southern Tunisia

Pierre-Olivier Bruna, Giovanni Bertotti, Rémi Charton, Richard Dixon, & Ahmed Nasri

Geological Society London, Conference, London (UK), January-February 2024.

[#41 | Oral] Source-to-sink implications of Low-Temperature Thermochronology

Giovanni Bertotti, Pierre-Olivier Bruna, Rémi Charton, and the NARG members

Geological Society London, Conference, London (UK), January-February 2024.

[#40 | Oral] Cetaceous mixed (turbidite-contourite) systems offshore Senegal: implication for deep-water sedimentation, contour current and tectonic evolution

Selin Deniz Coskun, Gerome Calves, Rémi Charton, Mads Huuse, & Jonathan Redfern

GESGB Africa Conference, London (UK), September 2023.

[#39 | Oral] A Virtual Field Guide and database of the Atshan-Gargaf Arch region, Western Libya: a reconstruction of its tectono-stratigraphic evolution and history of petroleum entrapment.

David Boote, Frans von Haflaken, Abdussalam Dardour, Jonathan Redfern, Gareth Williams, Rémi Charton, Kofi Owusu, & Sumaila Sulemana

GESGB Africa Conference, London (UK), September 2023.

[#38 | Poster] The Palaeozoic arch in southern Tunisia and surroundings. Architecture and kinematics: new data.

Rémi Charton, Pierre-Olivier Bruna, Richard Dixon, James Lovell-Kennedy, Luc Bulot, Giovanni Bertotti, & Jonathan Redfern. 

GESGB Africa Conference, London (UK), September 2023.

[#37 | Oral] North Africa exhumation history: a review of NARG investigations 

Rémi Charton, Mohamed Gouiza, Giovanni Bertotti, Pierre-Olivier Bruna, Jonathan Redfern, &7 the NARG team

7th Conjugate Margins Conference, Marrakesh (Morocco), October 2022.

[#38 | Oral] Phanerozoic vertical movements in the rims of the Central Atlantic Ocean 

Rémi Charton, Rémi Leprêtre, Quinten Boersma, Mohamed Gouiza, and Jonathan Redfern

7th Conjugate Margins Conference, Marrakesh (Morocco), October 2022.

[#36 | Oral] Carboniferous Sequences of Southern Tunisia. Carbonate deposition and tectonics on the northern flanks of the Talemzane Arch.

Richard Dixon, Christos Kougioulis, Pierre-Olivier Bruna, Rémi Charton, Cathy Hollis, Luc Bulot, James Lovell-Kennedy, Giovanni Bertotti,  Jonathan Redfern, & Ahmed Nasri.

PESGB-HGS Africa Conference, Houston (USA), Online, September 2022.

[#35 | Oral] Anomalous vertical movement and sandstone deposition along the Mauritania-Senegal Margin.

Giovanni Bertotti, Pierre-Olivier Bruna, Rémi Charton* (presenter), Mohamed Gouiza, Richard Dixon, Jonathan Redfern, & the NARG team.

AAPG-EAGE Medina Conference, Tunis (Tunisia), September 2022. 

[#34 | Oral] A new Permo-Triassic Tectono-sedimentary Model for Northern Africa: Challenging the prevailing models.

Pierre-Olivier Bruna, Richard Dixon, Giovanni Bertotti, Rémi Charton, James Lovell-Kennedy, Jonathan Redfern, Andrea Moscariello, & Ahmed Nasri.

AAPG-EAGE Medina Conference, Tunis (Tunisia), September 2022.

[#33 | Poster] The Palaeozoic arch in southern Tunisia and surroundings. Architecture and kinematics: a review.

Rémi Charton, Pierre-Olivier Bruna, Richard Dixon, James Lovell-Kennedy, Luc Bulot, Giovanni Bertotti, and Jonathan Redfern. 

AAPG-EAGE Medina Conference, Tunis (Tunisia), September 2022.

[#32 | Poster] Exhumation Erosional Hotspots Maps. Feasibility study for the Phanerozoic. 

Rémi Charton, Alexandre Pohl, Pierre-Olivier Bruna, Guillaume Rongier, & Pierre Maffre. 

NAC, Nederlands Aardwetenschappelijk Congres, Utrecht (The Netherlands),  September 2022. 

[#31 | Oral] Phanerozoic vertical movements in the continental rims of the Central Atlantic Ocean.  

Rémi Charton, Rémi Leprêtre, Quinten Boersma, Mohamed Gouiza, & Jonathan Redfern. 

NAC, Nederlands Aardwetenschappelijk Congres, Utrecht (The Netherlands),  September 2022. 

[#30| Oral] Reservoir quality prediction for the TAG-I play across Eastern Morocco PESGB Africa Abstract

James Lovell-Kennedy, Jonathan Redfern, Rémi Charton, Stefan Schröder, John Argen, & Daniele Tripone.

PESGB AFRICA, Virtual conference, September 2021

[#29| Oral] Influence of hinterland movements on mixed carbonate-siliciclastic shelf margin. Jurassic, Moroccan Atlantic Margin. 

Aude Duval-Arnould, Rémi Charton, Stefan Schröder, & Jonathan Redfern.

IAS, Meeting of Sedimentology, Virtual conference, June 2021

[#28 | Oral] Is the Central Atlantic Rift thermal signature recorded and preserved in apatite fission tracks?  

Rémi Charton, Mohamed Gouiza, Quinten Boersma, & Giovanni Bertotti.

NAC, Nederlands Aardwetenschappelijk Congres, Utrecht (The Netherlands),  March 2020. 

[#27 | Oral] Modelling the dynamicity of past source-to-sink systems: An example from Morocco.

Rémi Charton, Giovanni Bertotti, & Jonathan Redfern.

NAC, Nederlands Aardwetenschappelijk Congres, Utrecht (The Netherlands),  March 2020. 

[#26 | Oral & extended abstract] Vertical Movements and Source-to-Sink Systems of the Rifted Margin of NW Africa: Surprises Continue

Giovanni Bertotti, Rémi Charton, Mohamed Gouiza, Emmanuel Roquette, James Lovell-Kennedy, & Jonathan Redfern.

CAJG, Conference of the Arabian Journal of Geosciences, Sousse (Tunisia), November 2019.

[#25 | Booth] NARG GIS Database: 20 years worth of research on a map.

Rémi Charton & the NARG members.

PESGB Africa Conference, London (United Kingdom), September 2019.

[#24 | Booth] NARG Theses & Publications: Celebrating 20 years of research in North Africa.

Rémi Charton & the NARG members.

PESGB Africa Conference, London (United Kingdom), September 2019.

[#23 | Oral] The interplay of carbonate platforms and siliciclastic influx during the Jurassic along the Moroccan Atlantic Margin: Controls and impact on reservoir distribution. 

Aude Duval-Arnould, Angel Arantegui, Rémi Charton, Emmanuel Roquette, Stefan Schröder, Luc Bulot, & Jonathan Redfern.

PESGB Africa Conference,London (United Kingdom), September 2019.

[#22 | Poster] The problem with Provenance: Dominant biases in provenance studies. 

Emmanuel Roquette, Rémi Charton, Stefan Schröder, & Jonathan Redfern.

PESGB Africa Conference, London (United Kingdom), September 2019.

[#21 | Poster] Exhumation and sediment production during the late syn-rift and early post-rift evolution of the Moroccan Atlantic Margin.

Giovanni Bertotti, Rémi Charton, Angel Arantegui, Tim Luber, & Jonathan Redfern.

PESGB Africa Conference, London (United Kingdom), September 2019.

[#20 | Poster]  From time-temperature modelling to source and sink maps: Example from the Phanerozoic in Morocco.

Rémi Charton, Giovanni Bertotti, Joep Storms, Aude Duval-Arnould, & Jonathan Redfern. 

EGU General Assembly 2019, Vienna (Austria), April 2019. 

[#19 | Poster] Modelling the dynamicity of past source-to-sink systems: Pilot study in the Anti-Atlas of Morocco.

Rémi Charton, Giovanni Bertotti, & Jonathan Redfern.

NAC, Nederlands Aardwetenschappelijk Congres, Utrecht (The Netherlands), March 2019. 

[#18 | Oral] Examining controls on sediment delivery into a passive continental margin: a 200Myr source-to-sink record on the Moroccan Atlantic Margin. 

Jonathan Redfern, Tim Luber, Rémi Charton, Luc Bulot, & Giovanni Bertotti.

Conjugate Margin Conference 2018, Halifax (Canada), August. 

[#17 | Invited Oral] A quantitative and qualitative study of Phanerozoic km-scale vertical movements in Morocco .

Rémi Charton, Giovanni Bertotti, Joep Storms and Jonathan Redfern. 

TNO LUPRA, Utrecht (The Netherlands), May 2018. 

[#16 | Oral] 200Myr of source-to-sink relations from a rift-passive continental margin: examining controls on sediment delivery.

Giovanni Bertotti, Tim Luber, Rémi Charton, Luc Bulot, & Jonathan Redfern.

  AAPG European Regional 2018, Lisbon (Portugal), May 2018.

[#15 | Oral] Deciphering Phanerozoic km-scale vertical movements in Morocco: A qualitative and quantitative study of Post-Variscan Source-to-Sink systems.

Rémi Charton, Giovanni Bertotti, Tim Luber, Angel Arantegui, & Jonathan Redfern.

AAPG/SEG International Conference and Exhibition (ICE), London, October 2017. 

[#14 | Poster] Post-Rift Tectonics in Rifted Margins and Surrounding Domains. 

Mohamed Gouiza, Giovanni Bertotti, Rémi Charton, & Paul Andriessen.

AAPG Annual Convention & Exhibition, Houston (USA), April. Poster

[#13 | Poster] The Ifni Transect across the Morocco passive continental margin: syn- and post-rift anomalous vertical movements in the eastern Central Atlantic passive margin.

Rémi Charton, Giovanni Bertotti, Angel Arantegui, Tim Luber, & Jonathan Redfern.

EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), April 2017.

[#13 | Invited Oral] Deciphering Phanerozoic km-scale vertical movements in Morocco: A qualitative and quantitative study of Post-Variscan Source-to-Sink systems.

Rémi Charton, Giovanni Bertotti, Joep Storms & Jonathan Redfern. 

PGK Monthly Lecture, The Hague (The Netherlands), February 2017. 

[#12 | Oral] Mitigating Early Cretaceous Reservoir Risk Along the Offshore Morocco Passive Margin Through Analysis of the Coastal Delivery Systems Exposed in the Agadir-Essaouira Basin. 

Tim Luber, Jonathan Redfern, Luc Bulot, Angel Arantegui, Rémi Charton, & Giovanni Bertotti. 

AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition, Calgary (Canada), June 2016.

[#11 | Oral] Evidence and Timing of a Forced-Regressive System in Passive Continental Margin Setting. The Late Barremian to Aptian of the Essaouira-Agadir Basin, Morocco. 

Tim Luber, Jonathan Redfern, Luc Bulot, Angel Arantegui, Rémi Charton, & Giovanni Bertotti.

IAS, Meeting of Sedimentology, Marrakesh (Morocco), May 2016.

[#10 | Oral] Temporal and spatial evolution of Mesozoic drainage systems feeding the deepwater Atlantic passive margin of Morocco: Tarfaya Basin. 

Angel Arantegui, Tim Luber, Rémi Charton, Mike Simmons, Giovanni Bertotti, & Jonathan Redfern. 

IAS, Meeting of Sedimentology, Marrakesh (Morocco), May 2016. 

[#9 | Poster]  Tectonics and sedimentology of post-rift anomalous vertical movements: the rifted margin of Morocco. 

Giovanni Bertotti, Rémi Charton, Tim Luber, Angel Arantegui, & Jonathan Redfern. 

EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), April 2016.

[#8 | Poster] Post-Variscan vertical movements in Morocco: Implications for Mesozoic source-to-sink systems.

Rémi Charton, Giovanni Bertotti, Joep Storms, Mohamed Gouiza, Angel Arantegui, Tim Luber, Aude Duval Arnould, & Jonathan Redfern.

NAC, Nederlands Aardwetenschappelijk Congres, Veldhoven (The Netherlands), April 2016.

[#7 | Oral] Post-Variscan thermal histories in Morocco: Implications for Mesozoic source-to-sink systems.

Rémi Charton, Giovanni Bertotti, Joep Storms, Mohamed Gouiza, Angel Arantegui, Tim Luber, Aude Duval Arnould, & Jonathan Redfern.

AAPG/SEG International Conference and Exhibition (ICE) 2016, Barcelona (Spain), April 2016.

[#6 | Oral] The Upper Jurassic-lower Cretaceous Siliciclastic System in the Morocco Offshore - Prevenance, Transport and Deposition.

Giovanni Bertotti, Angel Arantegui, Rémi Charton, Tim Luber, & Jonathan Redfern, 2015.

EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Madrid (Spain), June 2015

[#5 | Oral] Insights into post-rift vertical movements of a mountain range in a passive margin setting: the thermal history of the Anti-Atlas across a WSW/ENE transect (Morocco).

Rémi Charton, Mohamed Gouiza, Giovanni Bertotti, Angel Arantegui, Tim Luber, & Joep Storms.

AAPG European Regional, Lisbon (Portugal), May  2015. 

[#4 | Oral] Hunting Early Cretaceous clastic reservoirs along a complex "passive " margin. A multi- disciplinary source to sink study from the Atlantic Agadir-Essaouira Basin, Morocco.

Tim Luber, Angel Arantegui, Rémi Charton, Jonathan Redfern, & Giovanni Bertotti. 

AAPG European Regional, Lisbon (Portugal), May 2015

[#3 | Poster] A segmented source-to-sink study of an intricate “passive” continental margin. A case study from the Atlantic of NW Africa, Morocco. 

Tim Luber, Rémi Charton, Angel Arantegui, Jonathan Redfern, & Giovanni Bertotti.

AAPG European Regional, Lisbon (Portugal), May 2015

[#2 | Poster] Insights into post-rift vertical movements of a mountain range in a passive margin setting: The Anti-Atlas of Morocco. 

Rémi Charton, Mohamed Gouiza, Giovanni Bertotti, Joep E.A. Storms, Angel Arantegui, & Tim Luber.

TUDelft Research Meeting, Delft (The Netherlands), January 2015

[#1 | Poster] Diagenetic signature of Middle Jurassic carbonate formations from the W Paris Basin. Improving our understanding of fluid paleo-circulations. 

Rémi Charton, Pierre-Yves Collin, Yasin Makhloufi, Françoise Bergerat, Pascal Audigane, & Eric Lasseur.

ASF, Paris (France),  November 2013. 


[Special Issue Editor]

Advances in integrated basin and hinterland studies: the Central Atlantic and Atlasic domains of North Africa (A tribute to Luc Bulot)

Rémi Charton, Jonathan Redfern, Pierre-Olivier Bruna, Mohamed Soussi, & Mohamed Nahim (guest editors)

hosted by the Journal of African Earth Sciences (JAES), December 2022 - ongoing


Low temperature thermochronology and outcrop geology data from the Jeffara region, Southern Tunisia

Pierre-Olivier Bruna, Rémi Charton, & Giovanni Bertotti

4TU, December 2023

[PhD Thesis]

Phanerozoic Vertical Movements in Morocco 

Rémi Charton

Prof. Giovanni Bertotti (TUDelft), Dr. Joep E.A. Storms (TUdelft), & Prof. Jonathan Redfern (University of Manchester)

TUDelft | May 2018

[MSc Thesis]

Diagenetic history of Bathonian formations (Middle Jurassic) from the northwestern and southwestern edges of the Paris Basin

Rémi Charton

Dr. Pierre-Yves Collin (University of Burgundy)

Université de Bourgogne | May 2013

[BSc thesis]

The Formation of the West-European Rift (WER). The case of the Massif Central rift. 

Rémi Charton

Dr. Jacques Bonvalot (University of Burgundy)

Université de Bourgogne | May 2011