Outreach | Applied Geology 3D geo-archive | since 2013

3D models, outcrops, well cores, and rock hand samples captured/developed by geoscientists of the Applied Geology Section at the TUDelft.

Visit our Sketchfab page here

Organisation | Drone Flight Office of the section | since 2023

Flight Office of the Applied Geology

platform in construction

International School (8-9yo) | How to reconstruct geological landscape | 2023


Landscapes of the deep-past: a guide to reconstructing them

Learning activity

Reconstructing 3 deep-past landscapes using geological proxies

Illustrations | Turning published paleo-reconstructions into fantasy-looking maps (in progress) | 2023


by @mnash884


by @mnash884


in construction


Figure 14


Figure 15


Figure 18

Based on: Low‐temperature thermochronology as a control on vertical movements for semi‐quantitative Source‐to‐Sink analysis: A case study for the Permian to Neogene of Morocco and surroundings Rémi Charton,  Giovanni Bertotti,  Aude Duval Arnould, Joep E.A. Storms, &  Jonathan Redfern, in Basin Research, Volume 33 of April 2021.

Outreach | EGU post | 2023

Imaggeo On Monday: Blue cements in Jurassic rocks?

See the EGU post here

Tutoring | 2012-2013

Earth's Inner structure

Made for the tutoring of Tectonics students in Dijon (uB)

Earth's Plate Tectonics

Made for the tutoring of Tectonics students in Dijon (uB)