Rémi Charton, PhD
Geoscientist | Assistant Professor
Delft University of Technology (NL)
Department of Geoscience and Engineering
Applied Geology Section
Member of the North Africa Research Group
NARG | University of Manchester (UK)
Associate editor for the Journal of African Earth Sciences
My expertise lies in the utilization of Low-Temperature Thermochronology datasets (i.e., a set of geo-thermo-chronometers routinely applied to constrain vertical movements), which I combine with more traditional geoscientific fields (e.g., sedimentology, structural geology, geophysics, etc.…) and tools (e.g., fieldwork, GIS, numerical modelling, etc.…). I have regional expertise is in northern Africa and in the continental rims of the Central Atlantic Ocean.
E-mail: r.j.g.charton (at) tudelft.nl
orcid.org: 0000-0002-0064-256X
Education & Academic titles
Assistant Professor | 2023 - ongoing | Landscapes of the future | TUDelft
Post-doc | 2021-2023 | Regional Geology (N Africa) | TUDelft | North Africa Research Group | UK+NL
Visiting Academic | 2020-2021 | Regional Geology (Central Atlantic) | North Africa Research Group | UK+NL
Post-doc | 2018-2020 | Regional Geology (NW Africa) | TUDelft | North Africa Research Group | UK+NL
Ph.D. | 2018 | Applied Geology | Delft University of Technology | NL
M.Sc. | 2013 | Sedimentology | Université de Bourgogne+Universitet i Tromsø | FR+NO
B.Sc. | 2011 | Geology | Université de Bourgogne | FR